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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the age-old struggle against physical, financial, and economic difficulties, humanity has oftentimes overlooked the one unfailing remedy for all of these ills, which has always been right at hand and instantly available. More than nineteen centuries ago this positive, unerring, and changeless rule, by which every phase of human discord may be corrected, was revealed to the world by the Galilean Prophet, Jesus of Nazareth.

When he was but twelve years of age, the child Jesus realized that his mission in life was to be about his Father's business. It was at that age, while conversing with the doctors in the temple, that he turned to his mother, who, with Joseph, was anxiously seeking him, with that remarkable question, "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" He was both listening to those learned doctors and asking them questions; and those who heard him marveled "at his understanding and answers."

Whether he was at work with Joseph in the carpenter shop or, in his later ministry, preaching the gospel and healing the sick among the hills of Galilee, the Master was always about his Father's business. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, referring to his spirituality, which separated him from materialists, writes (p. 52): "From early boyhood he was about his 'Father's business.' His pursuits lay far apart from theirs. His master was Spirit; their master was matter. He served God; they served mammon. His affections were pure; theirs were carnal. His senses drank in the spiritual evidence of health, holiness, and life; their senses testified oppositely, and absorbed the material evidence of sin, sickness, and death."

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