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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man lives and has his being at the standpoint of reflection. Man is the embodiment of God's ideas, governed by God's law, forever active in expressing that which is good.

Christian Science, in its revelation of the spiritual nature of man, thus indicates clearly that there is no other man than the real, the perfect man of God's creating. Therefore, that which appears to be material so-called man, possessed of the nature and qualities of evil, is not man, but rather a counterfeit, a false claim concerning man.

It is the true understanding of God and man that frees mankind from the beliefs of mortal existence, in accordance with the promise of the Master, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Holding thought to the truth that existence is spiritual, that man is image, idea, the likeness of God, and that his nature and being are perfect, without blemish, enables one to demonstrate Godlikeness.

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