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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many of humanity's fears arise from false beliefs which are entertained about substance and body. Christian Science comes to dispel these fears. Instructed in the truth of being, including the reality of Soul and its relationship to spiritual identity, men can demonstrate Christian Science and experience salvation from belief in evil, which the Bible teaches. To understand that Soul is the only substance is to experience deliverance from bondage to the beliefs of the flesh, including disease and sin. The ultimate of human hope is translation, not death.

Soul is a synonym for God, and signifies that in which man lives, and by which he is aware of his existence forever. True substance is unadulterably good, incapable of discord or disintegration. It is permanently perfect. Soul, real substance, cannot be dispelled, dissolved, consumed, or altered in its nature of supreme harmony and universality. Soul, being immortal, is thus discerned to be that which ensures the eternal existence of creation. It is the divine cause, which creates every form or expression of true being.

Every form of eternal life is fashioned by Soul. To each form Soul imparts the essence of divinity. Soul provides for all true identities through spiritual law. God, Soul, is the creator and preserver of identity that cannot be deformed, of strength that never fails, of beauty that cannot perish. Soul gives to all spiritual manifestation the comeliness of perfection. Mrs. Eddy writes of "the evergreen of Soul; the coloring glory of perpetual bloom" (Miscellaneous Writings, Pref., pp. ix, x)

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