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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Let me, dear God, more patient be,
For patient work expresseth Thee.
Each trial, each tear, each humble task
Is progress' proof. Let me but ask
Thy guidance on my upward way,
For patience—this my prayer today.

Let me, dear God, more kindly be,
For kindliness refiecteth Thee.
Let me withhold the barbed dart
Of anger, lest a wounded heart
Despair, and miss the upward way,
For kindness—this my prayer today.

Let me, dear God, more loving be,
For loving thought is born of Thee.
Let me love more when seeming hate
Surrounds me. Let me love, and wait
To find illumed the upward way,
For love—this is my prayer today.

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