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From the June 1940 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Every Christian Scientist may well be interested in church building. Indeed, the earnest consideration of the subject affords an analogy to the building of our lives, our characters, our professions. In a sense we are all church builders if we are working prayerfully and sincerely; and Christian Science, when understood and properly used, enables us to become intelligent and scientific builders.

We are, so to speak, church builders when we apply Christian Science to any problem whatever, because true church building is mental, the kind of building that takes form in kindly deeds, in loving thoughts, in quick and permanent healings. This kind of church building is outwardly expressed in church edifices free from debt and filled with joyous, grateful, active workers. Such churches express the gratitude of the hungry who have been fed, the sick who have been healed, the sorrowing who have been comforted by the practical, scientific truths of Christian Science.

At the conclusion of his ministry, Jesus commanded his followers to take the healing truth, which he had demonstrated to them, far and wide into the world and to every creature therein. Has that solemn injunction been changed? No; the time, even after almost two thousand years, is more ripe than ever to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth; and we should make the Christian Science church such that it will carry the truth to all mankind everywhere.

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