In true or divine being, which is absolutely harmonious, there is perfect peace. Consider how Christian Science reasons on the subject of peace. It reveals the great spiritual truth that God is infinite good, and that good therefore exists without an opposite. And because only good exists as reality, perfect harmony reigns supreme, peace reigns perpetually, in real being. Mary Baker Eddy writes on page 151 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "All that really exists is the divine Mind and its idea, and in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal."
The Christian Scientist understands these things, understands that real being—God and His universe, including man—is absolutely perfect, absolutely harmonious, absolutely at peace; and he strives to hold to the truth amid all the exigencies of a mortal sense of existence. The task to human sense may seem to be no easy one, for does not material sense argue incessantly for the reality of inharmony, distrust, discontent, strife, sickness, sin, suffering, and death—for anything indeed but harmony and peace? From infancy onward mortals have to combat conditions which, if not overcome, result in some form of distress. How often, for example, have the passions of men—malice, envy, jealousy, greed, hate, sensuality—appeared to reach a climax in angry contention, even in open warfare!
Questions that will force themselves on the minds of men are these: Is there a means of escape from the inharmony and dispeace of mortal existence? Is it possible for men to find a way out of the suffering which besets them? Will they ever be able to reach the ideal state of perfect harmony and perfect peace? Will there ever come a time when war shall have forever ceased? Natural questions these, all of them; and they spring from an earnest and legitimate desire on the part of mankind for happiness. In the hearts of earnest men and women everywhere, the longing is intense for enduring peace. Prayer, humble and sincere, is being uttered by them persistently for the time when evil beliefs shall have been swept away, and good shall reign in their stead. For then, they are assured, will peace reign over all the earth.