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From the February 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through the omnipotent energies of Truth, ever active in human consciousness, individuals and nations are awakening to their need of that which is spiritually good and permanent; they are reaching out for that which will heal their self-inflicted wounds. The need is not being met through material systems, for these all operate from the basis of the fallible human mind, which is limited in its possibilities. But Christian Science, which is the truth about the infinite, all-sufficient divine Mind, meets the human need. This truth heals all ills, adjusts inharmonious relationships, improves one's concept of business, employment, and supply, and cures the weak, the sinful, the discouraged.

Christian Science gives to human life new purpose and accomplishment. It invigorates right motives, sustains honest effort, promotes the individual expression of worthiness. It answers the problems of life, satisfies the seekers after righteousness, and leads to the path of eternal freedom. Then, should we not anticipate and prepare for greatly increased acceptance of the Science of Christianity, which not only promises these benefits, but through individual experience and proof dissolves all doubt of its efficacy?

People turn to Christian Science for the solution of their problems. They turn to the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy; they turn to the individual Christian Scientist; they turn to practitioners, to the churches, to the Christian Science literature, and to the lectures. How careful we all should be to keep our own consciousness clear and pure! How consecrated to the Christ should be our own lives, not only that we may help and heal ourselves, but also that our light may so shine before men that they will see our hope of salvation and be encouraged to drink of the same fountain of Life. The expansion of the Christian Science movement and of church building rests upon the fidelity of Christian Scientists.

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