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From the February 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the most joyous things in the teaching of Christian Science is its insistence upon the omnipotence of good and the powerlessness of evil. Acknowledging God as the fundamental cause of all that really exists, Christian Science places everything that is like Him in the realm of the real; and, correspondingly, whatever is unlike God is seen as a mistake or an unreality. This clear line of demarcation consistently prevails throughout the entire realm of scientific reasoning, casting aside the baneful, and exalting the good. When mankind as a whole realize the importance of throwing the weight of its thinking on the side of righteousness, then suffering, misfortune, and crime will give everlasting place to health, prosperity, and holiness.

As we look out upon the world today, we recognize that mortal thought has traveled far in the way of striving to gain worldly distinction through injustice and force, which commonly result in resentment and clashing of arms.

Perhaps there is no term in the English language that is fraught with more dread than is war. Turning back the pages of history, we realize with sadness that there have been wars in rapid succession from the beginning of time. As a result of these conflicts many brilliant minds have expended their genius in striving to invent instruments of torture, each producing more deadly weapons than the last, until today the world is witnessing the ravages of modern warfare.

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