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From the February 1941 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Dictionary defines temptation, in part, as "an inducement; an allurement, esp. to something evil." From this it is evident that temptations do not come from God, but are error. Safety always lies in the pathway of Truth, divine Principle.

Temptation is an illusion, never a spiritual fact. It always leads downward into evil beliefs, with their attending sin and disease. It can and should be promptly resisted and overcome by turning about and following divine guidance, which leads upward and away from the seeming effects of past mistakes. A man is never alone when he stands for the right, because right has the support of omnipotent good.

Divine Love, expressed through spiritual qualities, such as purity, joy, selflessness, and firm trust in good, leads humanity out of temptation, fear, and greed, and imparts moral courage, stability, health, prosperity, and peace; while the opposite qualities of mortal mind, such as pride, lust for power, egotism, sensuality, disobedience, tend to mislead men and nations into the bondage of materiality with its beliefs of depression, suppression, unhappiness, disease, lack, despair, and war. As we travel along the highway of human experience, it is necessary to watch and pray that we follow right, not wrong.

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