Christian Science first came to the attention of our family when an aunt, who had been an invalid for many years, returned from California healed through this Science. Although then but a child, I had always believed that the healings given in the Bible could be repeated today. As soon as I began going to high school, my mother and I sought and attended a Christian Science church. My first healing with the help of a practitioner was of boils on the face; the first healing from my own application of Science was of a burn. A few later healings have been of bunion, approaching deafness, and internal pain.
I have proved Christian Science to be both a preventive and a curative agent. Its practicality and instant availability have been very helpful when I have been doing field work in my profession and in mountain climbing. I am grateful for help received while I was studying for college degrees, and especially for the Christian Science organizations at universities and colleges. It has been my privilege to observe a tremendous change in attitude toward Christian Science in university communities, as the result of the work done by these organizations. Since coming into Christian Science I have not missed an entire day from school or work.
Next to my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her willingness to share her revelation of Truth with the world is that for class instruction from one who was for a time closely associated with our Leader, and who has given unselfish service in our Cause. I am also thankful for the protection and promotion of our Cause through the wisdom and faithfulness of The Christian Science Board of Directors and the practitioners.—Ward, Colorado.