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Testimonies of Healing

It was about twenty years ago that...

From the February 1942 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It was about twenty years ago that Christian Science first came into my experience. At that time, I had removed my residence from an eastern city to entirely new surroundings in the West. I had been active in an orthodox church for many years and resumed my connections with this church in my new location. I had been having a great deal of trouble with an acid condition in the blood, which had manifested itself in a very painful, irritated condition in my limbs and feet. This had not yielded to medical treatment, and through a friend's influence I was led to read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. Before I had finished reading, the physical difficulty was completely healed, and it has never returned.

While I have had many healings through the ministration of Christian Science, the one which has always seemed most outstanding to me is that of the removal of a stone from the bladder, through one treatment by a Christian Science practitioner. This occurred about six years after I had severed my connection with my former church and joined the Christian Science church. I was stricken one afternoon while busy working in my garden, and efforts were made to locate the practitioner. The pain was extreme, and I thought for a time that I could not endure it, but in a few moments after the practitioner arrived I was at ease and fell asleep. In a little more than an hour the pain returned, and the practitioner was called by telephone. He assured the family that all was well. A few moments later the stone passed away through natural elimination. There were no aftereffects, and the following day I was able to resume my usual home activities.

I am grateful for all the activities of The Mother Church, for the literature, which brings each of us such inspiring messages in these troubled times, and for the privilege of serving even in a small way to spread this truth.—

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