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From the February 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"The fleeting freshness of youth, however, is not the evergreen of Soul."—Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy, Preface, page ix.

Softly as falls the dew on sleeping fields,
Tender as dawn's assurance of the day,
Spirit, the omnipresent, ever yields
Renewal for the pilgrim on his way.

No staling zest, no weariness of strife,
Besets the stubborn champion of Truth
When to the courage of a loving life
He brings "the evergreen of Soul" for youth.

Swiftly the healing touch of Love restores
The heart o'erburdened with material care.
Ah! With what bliss thought resurrected soars—
Its Christly peace with other hearts to share!

O Spirit, they who wait on Thee shall find
Within Thy pure infinitude their rest.
So may we prove, through grace renewed by Mind,
Life is Thy law and love Thy sweet behest.

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