MANY a genius has searched for perpetual motion quite unmindful that he already possesses it in the form of thought. He can direct his thinking, happily enough, but he cannot for an instant stop it, because spiritual thinking is living, and Life knows neither start nor finish. It is continuous; it is the Eternal; and man is its visible expression, its witness.
To him who argues that the pursuit of spiritual thinking is a difficult or irksome task, let it be said that there is but one kind of truly contributive thinking going on, and that is right or spiritual thinking. For there is only one Mind, the divine Mind, or God; and there is only one man, and he is spiritual and therefore right-minded. The meditation upon things of good report is the natural order of being. Much is said about mortal mind, mortal man, and material thinking. They are falsities, every one of them; and it is time we put them aside as sickly, enervating, and unworthy of consideration or credence. Then will they fail for lack of witness.
The individual may, and too often he does, permit thought to explore the suppositional region of materiality and mortality, where stalk debility, depletion, collapse. But he can, and on occasion does, let thought range the fetterless realm of Spirit. The direction he permits his thinking to take will determine his course day by day, for thought shapes all human externals, careers included. If one contemplates disease, age, heaviness, languor, flaccidity, that is, gives way to material thinking, he will invite these marauders into his experience. The process is self-hypnosis. Whereas if he contemplates and clings to Life in its resplendency, untouched by illness and unrestricted by years, labor, doubt, dismay, he will feel the glory and freedom of genuine being. He will reap the fruits of spiritual thinking. He who chooses to exercise his prerogative to think and act according to Principle, is master of adversity.