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From the June 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Thoughtful Christians have long been aware of more than a literal meaning in the commands and assurances of Jesus to those he was about to heal. In Christian Science the larger significance of these sayings becomes increasingly plain. Far from being suited only to the occasions on which they were uttered, and of practical effect only because of the presence of Jesus, they are seen in Science to represent what the Christ, the actual truth of existence, is forever declaring and making practical for everyone.

To everyone the spiritual, which is to say the truly scientific facts about himself and about all reality are constantly saying in effect, "Receive thy sight," "Thou art loosed from thine infirmity," "Be thou clean," and the other similarly beautiful things which Jesus said to those whom he healed.

All these sayings, given their full value, are found to have essentially the same meaning. They are admonitions to turn aside from spiritual ignorance, and to recognize and adopt consciously what already is true about oneself and others. Jesus understood the spiritual facts so well and represented them with such conviction that the illusions of disease and distress, with all their pretentious evidences, vanished for the ones he addressed. And the spiritual truth, wherever it is recognized, does the same today.

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