I should like to express my gratitude for Christian Science, for the gradual unfolding of the Scriptures made possible through the study of this Science, and for all the experiences I have had, however small.
Christ Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." I had read these words many times before studying Christian Science, and had thought them beautiful and to a certain extent comforting, but always felt a sense of pathos clinging to them. Reading them after I had been studying Christian Science for some time, I saw joy and freedom in them, and there was no sadness. And once more I knew surely that "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy was indeed the "key" to the Scriptures.
I have had many healings, one of a lump in my side. I had been feeling a sharp pain now and again, and on discovering quite a large lump I became fearful and asked a practitioner for help, which was lovingly given. From the moment I asked for help I did not feel any more pain. I do not know when the lump went, because I did not look for it until about six weeks later, when I found it had disappeared.