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From the September 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

During the present world conflict, people in all walks of life are pausing to pray for guidance and help and wisdom. Referring to the beloved Master, Luke tells us, "And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint."

Desiring good is true prayer, but our thought must be prepared to receive good. We must prepare our mental household for the expected blessing as we should prepare the guest room for the reception of a very dear friend—with love, joy, eager expectancy, and gratitude. It has been said, "We get just anything we prepare for, and nothing else"!

One may ask, "Why is it my prayers seem to be unanswered, although I have prayed fervently for healing or for a solution to this problem?" At such times we need to examine our prayers. Are we praying to God in an advisory capacity and telling Him our needs? He already knows and supplies all. In quiet meditation we need to listen for His voice with eager expectancy of receiving the full blessing of Love. Self must be purified, and the allness of Life, Truth, Love, acknowledged. Then shall we receive the angelic message which will fulfill the immediate need.

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