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From the September 1943 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 337) our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, gives us this statement: "Eternal things (verities) are God's thoughts as they exist in the spiritual realm of the real. Temporal things are the thoughts of mortals and are the unreal, being the opposite of the real or the spiritual and eternal." This statement is healing and helpful, showing as it does that verities are God's thoughts, and that they exist in the spiritual realm and not in the physical. Therefore, to know these verities, we must know God, abide with Him, and utilize His bestowals.

The great verity of being is the oneness of God and man. God needs man to express Him, for without man, God would be unexpressed. In this oneness, man is safe, secure. It is necessary for us as Christian Scientists to know this oneness and use this understanding each moment. As we realize our unity with God, we find that no longer do we accept as real any existence which argues that God is not All-in-all.

We should know eternal verities, and as we do, we find that our demonstration of Christian Science is in no way an effort to bring comfort and ease in matter, but an endeavor to step out of matter into true peace and rest in the divine. True rest is not settling down in the lap of matter, but rising spiritually to abide in the activity of divine Mind. This calls for the vision of God's allness. In Proverbs we read, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

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