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From the November 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What a word is possession! fraught with infinite possibilities for weal or woe, according to placement; in God's hands or otherwise. God made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them is; to Him then they belong. The battle even is the Lord's, according to the Scriptures. Possession is divine prerogative; claims thereto are human.

Mortals unfortunately have taken unto themselves the prerogative of their Maker, claiming to possess a will apart from God's, a life apart from Spirit, a love apart from the divine; claiming, in other words, to rival the creator Himself! From such assumptions spring the Goliaths of today, the egotists. They strut about boasting of power and possession, seeking whom they may devour. The humble hen even is better mannered, less possessive. She lays the egg without ever calling it "mine."

Are we worthy of the name of Christ if we persist in following the egotist and his clay model, who must possess, shape, control, without consulting the only intelligence that ever could possess, shape, control a universe or anyone in it? Oh, the mockery, the humbug of trying to live without consulting God each moment! Can one expect harmonious action without recourse to the source of action, God, whom Mary Baker Eddy defines, in part, as, "The great I am; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 587)? Can a sunbeam shine without the sun?

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