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From the November 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." This verse from the second epistle to the Corinthians was chosen by Mary Baker Eddy as the motto for The Christian Science Journal, and should serve as a constant reminder of the means by which we can counteract error of every sort. This message is especially meaningful today, when one's thought is being constantly directed to material warfare by various forms of propaganda.

We read of new weapons, secret weapons, more powerful weapons, more destructive weapons—all the result of mortal man's constant search in matter for the means whereby he can gain victory over his fellow man.

Greatly different should be the attitude of the Christian Scientist, whose aim is not victory over his brother but victory over error, over all the claims that would belittle his concept of man. The Christian Scientist denies the possibility of either material defeat or material victory, and claims only the one Mind, Spirit, God, and His universe. There can be no consciousness of war there, but only the awareness of universal, everlasting harmony, peace, joy, and love.

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