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From the November 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Oil is needed for victory! Often we hear these words. Well we know that oil is necessary for machinery. Without it, friction causes dislocation and breakage. However, when the last army of aggression has been vanquished and large supplies of oil are released for civilian use, when the diplomats sit at the peace tables and the factories turn from all-out manufacturing of bombers to automobiles, from tanks to refrigerators, oil will still be needed—for victory.

What is the oil, and what is the victory? In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the discerning Founder of the Christian Science organization, Mary Baker Eddy, has given this definition of its spiritual meaning (p. 592): "Oil. Consecration; charity; gentleness; prayer; heavenly inspiration."

The victory to be gained is the van-quishment of mortal mind, the root of all cruelty. Truly, military victory over evil forces is important, for it will give nations the opportunity to work peacefully towards a better concept of civilization, but unless oil, in all its spiritual import, permeates our endeavors, the peace may be lost and another dreary round of "wars and rumours of wars" ensue.

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