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From the November 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Today, more than ever before, we must begin to think deeply in order to understand better Mary Baker Eddy's statement in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (pp. 29, 30), "Jesus was the offspring of Mary's self-conscious communion with God." Man is the child of God, and the understanding of this must be spiritually maintained if it is to be kept alive in human thought.

The eternality of life is a spiritual and practical fact, which can be proved only when we fully understand and willingly accept our Leader's teaching. The belief of life in matter must be given up and the truth held to of man's spiritual identity.

This surely is the lesson which the Shunammite woman learned in some measure. Perceiving Elisha to be a holy man, this spiritually-minded woman had prepared a room for him in their simple home, where he was a welcome guest whenever his ministry took him in that direction. In appreciation of her kind hospitality, and perceiving her strong desire for a child, Elisha prayed for her and, in due season, a son was born.

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