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From the November 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in her book "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 44), "Honest students speak the truth 'according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount,' and live it: these are not working for emoluments, and may profitably teach people, who are ready to investigate this subject, the rudiments of Christian Science." In this statement is found the essence of honesty in its Science. An honest man or woman is one who constantly strives to live in obedience to what he or she sees to be true. Honest Christian Scientists, therefore, will endeavor to adhere unswervingly to the Christian ideals revealed in Christian Science, to live the truth always, and to speak on the subject only when wisdom directs them to do so. Honesty is a mode of living.

An individual of steadfast integrity could not be induced to depart knowingly from the divine standard of perfection. He will strive to bring forth with patience the fruits of mercy, justice, compassion, meekness, and purity, and to be inspired by unselfed, spiritual love in all that he achieves. Such an individual will refrain from idle criticism and gossip; he will be temperate in speech and action, indulge no inordinate desires, and refuse to entertain evil thoughts or motives. The entertainment, even momentarily, of such desires or thoughts, or the indulgence of destructive criticism, is dishonest, for it is a departure from true manhood.

The steps of the man of uprightness are ordered by Principle. The upright man makes no concessions to human opinions, but walks in the light of his own high standard of sincerity. He refuses to deviate from the true path to accommodate himself to another's self-will or to yield to another's dictatorial demands. He does not compromise conscience to gain popularity or to appease society; nor is he moved by the breath of flattery. He had rather please God with honesty than placate mortals with duplicity. Once a true sense of honesty is realized, he protects it against those who would pull him down from the pinnacle. He endeavors to demonstrate the government of God by remaining a law unto himself and by overcoming in himself envy and malice. Also he rejoices in the good that another receives. On page 464 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says, "The weapons of bigotry, ignorance, envy, fall before an honest heart." If a wrong is done the upright man, he does not seek revenge, but leaves the adjustment of the balance to God's time and to God's way. Says St. Paul: "Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men."

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