For the manifold blessings received through the study and application of Christian Science, I am profoundly grateful to God.
Although my mother was healed in Science, I did not take up its study at that time, but rather rebelled at what I then thought this religion to be. After the passing of a loved one, I lost the concept of God on a throne in the sky whom I had been taught to revere in childhood. When I left home my mother put a Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy in my suitcase and said if I got lonely to read the book, and it would comfort me. That time came, and in desperation I did read the book. Although I did not understand a word I read, I was comforted. But I laid the book aside until driven back again.
I was then tempted to read unauthorized literature about Christian Science, having been told that these books would help me to understand Science and Health. This led to a nervous breakdown. At this point all I remembered was "the scientific statement of being" on page 468 of Science and Health, and the Lord's Prayer and Mrs. Eddy's interpretation of it on pages 16 and 17. I said these every waking moment and was lifted up and out, and divinely guided to seek the help of a consecrated Christian Science practitioner. The journey was not an easy one. Freedom was won, but not until one day when I mentioned having been through this experience. The practitioner said to me, "It never happened; it never happened; it never happened." The recognition of this brought complete freedom. I am grateful to Christian Science for bringing me through this experience because I was believing that I had been healed of something, instead of just having entertained a false belief.