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Testimonies of Healing

In my journey from sense to Soul...

From the April 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In my journey from sense to Soul, Christian Science has given me faith, hope, and encouragement innumerable times. It has come clearly to me that it is my duty to bear witness to the healing power of Christian Science. I have been healed of influenza, colds, and headaches. I also found comfort and consolation when one very dear to me passed on.

One evening, when I was walking along the sidewalk, I slipped and fell very heavily on my right arm. I had to be aided to get to my feet. I asked the woman who helped me if I could sit down in her store for a little while, and she kindly gave me a chair. I started to do some mental work for myself as best I could, and before long was able to walk the few blocks to my home. When I got to my door I was unable to put the key in the lock, so I rang a neighbor's doorbell, and he let me in and also telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner for me.

Inside of half an hour I was able to take off my coat and read Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy and also some hymns from our Christian Science Hymnal. My wrist appeared to be broken or dislocated, but I declared that there are no broken bones in Truth. I then was able to walk down a flight of stairs to see my neighbor in order to get a message from the practitioner, and when I returned to my apartment I was able to get to bed. In a short time I was peacefully asleep, and when I awoke in the morning there was no pain except when I tried to use the arm. That morning, when I removed the cloth with which I had covered my arm, I found, to my glad surprise, that the wrist was normal. No disfigurement was left except for some swelling and discoloration. I went to the practitioner's office, and when I sat down I said, "I want only Christian Science to take care of my arm," and she replied, "You are now in a good place to prove the healing power of Truth." In a short time I was able to use the arm more or less until the healing was complete.

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