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Testimonies of Healing

In simple but eloquent words I...

From the April 1944 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In simple but eloquent words I should like to sing aloud my praises to God and to our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for revealing Christian Science to the world and to me. Because this Science changed the entire course of my life, released me from bondage to fear and despondency, and brought health and hope, I can never be grateful enough.

I had always been delicate and nervous, deprived of a normal, happy childhood. In my last year of high school a nervous breakdown left me suffering from insomnia, and the child specialist who treated me prescribed sleeping pills even at that early age.

When I was in the business world I lived in constant dread of these ever-recurring periods of sleeplessness, which made me very weak and ill. Sometimes I did not sleep naturally for a week at a time and kept going through use of sheer human will and the taking of strong sleeping drugs. After suffering for fifteen years and consulting many doctors, I grew worse as each one, unable to detect the cause of the ailment, gave up my case. Neither various material courses of treatment nor increasingly stronger drugs succeeded in alleviating the condition. Since coming into Christian Science I have learned why the doctors failed in their well-meant efforts: they were trying to treat matter, whereas it was mortal mind that needed to be set right.

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