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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies of healing in our...

From the October 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies of healing in our Journal and Sentinel are a joy to all Christian Scientists because they not only corroborate the truth which has healed us, but give us hope in meeting the problems yet unsolved.

I, too, wish to express gratitude to God for all His goodness to me and mine, and to our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, for the purity of thought which brought to her the revelation of this new-old religion of Christ-healing.

Having come from a family of ministers, five of whom were in the generation before me, I had a deeply religious bringing up, for which I shall always be grateful. Prayer was an important factor in my life, and Bible study a beloved part of my reading. However, it was not until I took up the study of Christian Science in 1925 that I really began to understand the spiritual meaning of the Scriptures.

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