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From the January 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The eager student of Christian Science early perceives the vital importance of demonstration. In fact, he realizes that his spiritual progress is dependent upon the alert, correct, and faithful application of the truth in his daily experience. In "Miscellaneous Writings," on page 235, our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says with commanding significance, "In Christian Science, progress is demonstration, not doctrine."

What is demonstration? Is it not the recognition and acceptance of spiritual realities? Is it not the beholding and proving of the oneness and allness of Life, Truth, and Love, the imaging forth of God rather than the attempted harmonizing of material conditions? Physical healing, or the supplying of the human need, follows the recognition of true being. This healing is truly the Word "made flesh" which dwells among us.

True demonstration is the recognition, acceptance, and proof in ever-increasing degree of our true spiritual selfhood as sons of God. Demonstration does not give us more of matter, but rather proves the powerlessness of matter to help or hinder us, thereby showing forth its unreal nature. The Christian Scientist is concerned with mental causation, not physical effects. Spiritual consciousness knows man as the perfect reflection of God, having nothing to get, since he already has all. God's man does not need changing and improving, and there is actually no other man than the spiritual image and likeness of God. All we need to do is to behold more of reality; to behold our true selfhood as it divinely and eternally is. This true, spiritual being is found by looking to spiritual sense for our evidence. Spiritual sense ever bears witness to God's perfection, harmony, and completeness.

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