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From the January 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Comment on the serenity with which a certain Christian Scientist passed through a trying experience brought the reply that the secret of this individual's peace of mind was his constant recognition that he was not a detached, self-propelling mortal, subject to changing circumstances, but that his real being was representative of and sustained by God, self-existent divine Principle, Love. Steadfastly claiming his spiritual sonship with the Father, he became a law to himself of harmony and safety.

This experience showed that it is not material conditions, untoward situations, or conflicting relationships, but rather one's negative view of such problems that leads to unhappiness. Opening thought to and agreeing with error, one closes it to Truth and its harmonizing possibilities. It has been well said that one's attitude toward a problem is always of more consequence than the problem itself. Christian Science, teaching the indissoluble oneness of God and man, cause and effect, furnishes the key to the kingdom of heaven within. Thus every student who remains faithful to what he knows of this universal Comforter can maintain peace and intelligent action in the face of discordant circumstances, until these are overcome. In the words of Mary Baker Eddy, in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 306), "Undisturbed amid the jarring testimony of the material senses. Science, still enthroned, is unfolding to mortals the immutable, harmonious, divine Principle,—is unfolding Life and the universe, ever present and eternal."

No human being ever met such hatred and resistance to a holy undertaking with such serenity and spiritual poise as did the Master, Christ Jesus. Said he (John 14:30), "The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." There was nothing in Jesus' nature to correspond with the enmity of his foes. He neither feared nor hated finite personalities, but remained steadfast in his love for God and the real man. His spiritual greatness resolved into nothingness the commotions of mortal mind, and he went tranquilly about his business of blessing even those who worked for his destruction.

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