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Testimonies of Healing

My first healing, many years ago, occurred...

From the July 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My first healing, many years ago, occurred after a serious elevator accident. I was crushed and rendered unconscious, then fell a distance of twenty-two feet, landing on a steel rail. I was taken to a hospital and remained there for over three months under the care of efficient doctors and nurses. It was discovered that two vertebrae were badly crushed, four ribs broken, and that there was a contusion of the skull and partial paralysis of the body. At the end of three months my case was given up as hopeless, and I faced permanent invalidism.

It was then that Christian Science was lovingly brought to my attention. I had never heard of Christian Science being applicable to the healing of injuries, so was very reluctant to accept it. However, I finally consented, and the services of a practitioner were sought. He immediately taught me to understand that "with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:26) and that all problems, no matter how difficult, are solvable. The uplifting this gave me I shall always cherish in my memory. My healing was instantaneous. For this revelation of divine Truth I have never been able fully to express my gratitude.

It was then that I took up the study of Christian Science in earnest. I became a member of The Mother Church and of a branch church and since then have had numberless proofs of God's loving care. The truth which we find in the Bible and which is revealed in the various writings of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has healed me of many physical difficulties, including shingles, intestinal influenza, which was healed in two days, and a very aggravated case of typhoid fever. Other healings I have experienced, some with the aid of practitioners and others through my own understanding, were those of the smoking and liquor habits, and profanity.

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