So often comfort and courage to go forward have come to me through reading the testimonies in our periodicals that I think it is time I told of a few of the countless blessings which have come to us because of Christian Science.
My husband and I and two growing boys have never failed to receive help and healing whenever we have turned unreservedly to Christian Science for help. Sometimes the help has come through our own study and sometimes it has come through the unfailing patience and compassion of devoted practitioners.
About six years ago we were living with a member of my family who was not interested in this Science. It seemed wise that we have our own home where we could have the freedom of always putting our loved Science first. A practitioner worked with us and told us to study carefully pages 3 and 4 in "Pulpit and Press" by Mary Baker Eddy. Just before I went to sleep I always read and reread this explanation which Mrs. Eddy gives of our true home. Often I fell asleep with this sentence ringing in my consciousness, "Can Love be less than boundless?" Then gradually the home began to unfold for us. A beautiful house was found, and step by step everything that was necessary came. The house was larger than any we had lived in before, so we did not have nearly enough furniture. But we went ahead with what we had. Then a friend asked if we could use her furniture in exchange for storing it, since she was moving out of town. Soon a second friend asked me the same thing. We were all greatly blessed, for both friends needed a place for their furniture as much as we needed the furniture. Everything that was needed was supplied in abundance.