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From the November 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The student of Christian Science is soon aware that its teachings are for the healing of the nations no less than of the individual sick. He sees that it redefines and greatly simplifies the problem of world government and world peace, and that it also supplies the solution. And he is himself profoundly challenged and inspired as he recognizes the opportunity which this Science plainly lays before him and every individual for aiding in the solution of the world problem.

Christian Science clearly shows, first of all, that in the establishment of adequate government for the world, as in the cure of disease, the essential task is not to change reality, but no recognize it for what it is. This immensely useful fact becomes obvious when the allness of God, as taught in the Scriptures, is accepted as scientific truth. In the allness of divine Mind, Life, and Love, there can certainly be no deficiency of government. What appears as such a deficiency, therefore, no matter how real and widespread it may seem, can be no more than mesmeric suggestion—a wholly illusory and unreal belief that God is less than All.

That the apparent deficiency is supported by material evidences does not alter the case at all, since matter itself is found in Science to be not substance, but only an outward aspect of mistaken belief —and very yielding indeed before the realization of spiritual truth, in accordance with the Psalmist's statement, "He uttered his voice, the earth melted." The material conditions which seem to confirm a lack of satisfactory government are thus only aspects of the belief that God can be absent; and as this belief is corrected with spiritual truth the evidences change.

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