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From the April 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

God is mindful of man because man is generically the full and perfect expression of Mind. Man is the essential expression of God's being, His likeness, manifesting eternally all His divine qualities. One cannot be without the other. The elimination of one would necessarily mean the elimination of the other. God could not be Father-Mother without man. Man is not the father of man, but is individually a child of God. God is the primal cause and man is His effect. Cause includes its effect. In explanation of this, Jesus said (John 14:28), "My Father is greater than I," and (John 10:30), "I and my Father are one."

In common usage the word "man" is often used for a false concept of man, a mortal personality, separate from God. We should endeavor to gain and maintain the scientific sense of man, or else the word "man" may continue to present to thought a false interpretation of existence, of a life and intelligence separate from God, of a mortal selfhood which may be helped by divine power to become more Godlike. The fact is, the real and only man, your true selfhood and mine, eternally reflects God, Mind, thus expressing the inseparability of Mind and idea, God and man. Learning to know God, we learn to know man, for man is made in His image and likeness.

In "Unity of Good," Mary Baker Eddy makes this profound statement (p. 46): "The scientific man and his Maker are here; and you would be none other than this man, if you would subordinate the fleshly perceptions to the spiritual sense and source of being." As we "subordinate the fleshly perceptions"—the material concept of man and things—we can see and demonstrate God as All and man and the universe as His expression.

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