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From the April 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Of all the claims of mortal mind which hold humanity in bondage, there is none from which it is in greater need of liberating than the belief of separation. But there is complete liberation from this cruel lie when one awakens to the great truth that God and man are inseparable.

On page 344 of her book, "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany," Mary Baker Eddy writes, "If we say that the sun stands for God, then all his rays collectively stand for Christ, and each separate ray for men and women." This metaphysical statement contains a deeply comforting message when its spiritual import is perceived. The rays meet in their source, and can never be severed from that source. Similarly, all of God's ideas are at one with infinite Mind, their divine source, where they forever meet and blend in unbroken harmony.

Has a much-loved one gone from sight? Then let us steadfastly lift up our gaze to the great heart of infinite Love, man's divine source, where his unity with God is forever intact and undisturbed. There we find man's immortal selfhood loving and beloved, enjoying and enjoyed, giving and receiving in harmony and bliss that are ever unfolding.

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