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From the April 1947 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Bible records of the healings and parables of Christ Jesus prove an ever available treasure house to which we may go for an answer to the problems of modern life. The human heart yearning to do better may now, because of the coming of Christian Science, turn to the Christ, Truth, more understanding than ever to find the way of salvation.

The life and works of Christ Jesus are familiar to the earnest student of the Bible who repeatedly studies and heeds the teachings found there. But if he becomes satisfied with the spiritual meaning found yesterday or last year and seeks no fresh inspiration, he will fail to benefit from the inexhaustible and infinite nature of Christ Jesus' message. There is indeed a continual unfolding of the import of his teachings to the listening thought spiritualized by study and application.

One familiar Bible healing is that of the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda. There was a time when the writer was weary of reading about this individual; consequently she made no effort to gain further spiritual meaning from the healing so beautifully told in the fifth chapter of John's Gospel. In fact, when these verses of the Bible appeared in the Christian Science Bible Lesson, she would read them once and then jump over them, thinking she knew well what happened. Her thought, not being humble and teachable, was closed to further spiritual light. But one day, longing for spiritual growth, she read prayerfully the account of the healing of the man helpless for thirty eight years who was so completely and instantaneously healed by the Master that he could take up his bed and walk.

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