Christian Science came into our home years ago as the result of my healing. At the time we lived in an eastern state, and I was just a young girl. One day I became very ill while in school and was taken home. I was so ill I became delirious.
Some time before this my mother had become acquainted through a business transaction with a consecrated Christian Science practitioner. When my father spoke of going for the doctor, my mother asked him to go instead to the city some distance away and ask this practitioner for help. He did this to please my mother, without the least faith that help would be received. After he had a short talk with the practitioner, she handed him a copy of the Christian Science Hymnal to take to me, and she told him that he could return to his home and he would find his daughter well. Upon his return he found me sitting up in a chair enjoying the fire in the fireplace and asking for something to eat. I ate a very hearty dinner and was completely healed.
My parents took up the study of Christian Science immediately. Later it seemed necessary for me to prepare for a place in the business world, and I have been employed in different positions in our movement from four to eight years at a time, without losing one day on account of illness. Before this healing the doctors had told my parents that it would be impossible for me to live to grow up.