Christian Science was presented to me in my adult life by an earnest, conscientious student, and I started to study it because it seemed to offer a more satisfying religion than the denomination of which I was a member. I studied and read and gave a great deal more time and thought to it than I had ever before taken for my spiritual well-being. I wanted the freedom to work out human problems, and I wanted the healings which Christian Science promised. As is often the case, my zeal to get results would have defeated this aim, had it not been for the help and guidance of practitioners, who steadied my uncertain footsteps and held to the truths I as yet did not glimpse. But as I put into practice what I did understand, and reached out for more spiritual living, the true meaning of Christian Science began to unfold.
It became clearer to me that this Science is not a way of getting something, but a "way of life" (Prov. 15:24). With increasing frequency I had clearer views of the demands of Science and became willing to be governed by them. This unfoldment took place over a period of years, and it is with great joy that I can see the change in my motive in studying Science. I understand the necessity of "signs following" in order to express the true meaning of Science, and I rejoice that my aim now is to be worthy. Christian Science shows us the way to realize our relationship to God now and here. The kingdom of heaven is not a far-off realm to be reached through the gate called death, but is a state of conscious at-one-ment with our Father-Mother God. We seek to meet each human problem with the firm understanding that it is only an opportunity steadfastly to maintain our true spiritual selfhood as God's child.
In the years in which I have made Christian Science my way of life, many healings have blessed our family. My father was healed of cancer, my son of a mastoid condition, and my husband of an intestinal stricture. In the last two cases immediate operations had been advised by physicians. I have been healed of sick headaches which had persisted for many years and also of blood poisoning. More recently a painful condition of the muscles was healed when I recognized and corrected the erroneous suggestion that I need not be as physically active as I always had been. For these and many other proofs of Christian Science healing I am very grateful.