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Testimonies of Healing

Gratefully I submit this acknowledgment...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Gratefully I submit this acknowledgment of benefits received from the study and application of Christian Science. For over twenty years God, as we learn of Him through this Science, has been my only physician.

An early experience of healing was of rheumatic fever, which made it impossible for me to use my arms and legs. I sought the aid of a practitioner. That night the fever seemed worse than ever, but the words from one of Mrs. Eddy's hymns,' "The Mother's Evening Prayer" (Poems, p. 4), came into my thought, especially the second verse, which I clung to as well as I could. Then a wonderful thing occurred, for the next morning I found that the fever had disappeared while I slept. I was grateful to God for this progress. I was able to walk across the room; the next day I could walk with less difficulty; and at the end of one month I was able to return to my work, completely healed. I am grateful for what I learned about God and His power and the powerlessness of error. I am also grateful to the practitioner who so unselfishly helped me.

Another experience helped me to understand God and His idea, man, more. One day I became very ill indeed and felt that I could not carry on with my work. But a bright thought came to me that I should think over the things for which I could be grateful. I soon found that I had so many that' I hardly knew where to begin. Among the things for which I could be grateful were service in the church and in Sunday School, a happy home life, and the many healings I had already experienced. Then I came to think upon this fact: that I could be grateful for helping others in the firm for which I was working, who often came to me for help with their work. But I thought these people did not want to help me when the need arose. Then I found this truth: that I could be grateful for the opportunity of helping those who were, as I was, made in the image and likeness of God. As I rejoiced in this knowledge, I found I was healed. Furthermore, one of these very men came along and asked if there was something that he could do for me, as the others did later.

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