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Testimonies of Healing

I have many reasons to thank God that...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have many reasons to thank God that Mrs. Eddy has made Christ Jesus' teachings practical for us in this age. I am grateful for the many activities which she has provided for our growth, especially the Wednesday evening testimony meetings in our churches, where we learn how others apply the truth and overcome both small and large difficulties.

In the summer of 1909 my father became very ill with what three doctors called sunstroke. The physicians tried to help him, but he grew worse and became insane. My mother then engaged two brain specialists, who said that there was a blood clot on his brain and either he would pass on or always remain in that condition. As later he became violent, it was necessary to take him to an institution for those mentally ill. Upon the recommendation of a friend, my mother asked a Christian Science practitioner for help. My father improved at once. Before the time expired on the Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy which Mother had borrowed from the public library, my father was perfectly well and was released from the hospital. He has led an active life ever since.

Our immediate family did not continue the study of Christian Science at that time, as my mother accepted the false belief that it is hard to understand. However, many years later she was ready for it, and since my sister and I have married we too have turned to this satisfying religion. But some of our relatives took up the study of this liberating teaching at the time of my father's healing.

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