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Testimonies of Healing

In August, 1925, to human sense I had...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In August, 1925, to human sense I had lost my mind and with it everything that I held dear in life; but I was brought face to face with God through Christian Science, which I turned to when I realized the doctor could not help me. I threw out all the medicine which he had given me and told him that I was going to have Christian Science treatment. He said, "That is fine; it will help you."

I was living near Washington Park in Chicago, Illinois, and I spent much time behind the shrubbery, trying to hide from everyone and everything. Although I was having treatment in Christian Science I did not want to be healed. The Christian Science practitioner, however, talked beautifully about Mrs. Eddy and the good things that she wrote and how it would help me if I would read her book, Science and Health, and try to understand it. The first Science and Health that I read, I wanted to tear to pieces. Now I have four of my own and would not let them go for any price.

When I was able to overcome self-pity, which seemed very real to me, I had my healing; but it was after one year of fighting with myself. One Sunday morning I saw the world as I had never seen it before; everything looked beautiful; and ever since I have tried to see beauty everywhere. I am grateful for this.

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