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Testimonies of Healing

It gives me great pleasure to express...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It gives me great pleasure to express gratitude and to testify that Christian Science has been a way of life for me during the past sixteen years.

The statement from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy (p. 494), "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need," was a source of constant comfort to me from the start of my study. To material sense, the need of supply was great. After I graduated from high school, a position was secured through my depending on God for guidance. This was a beautiful demonstration, for after I had applied for several positions in offices without success, it looked as if I should have to accept an available job as maid in a home. I agreed to do this if it was right, but wished to use my training for the business world. The day before I would have had to accept this job, I received a call from an unknown person, telling me of an opening. I was interviewed and hired. This proved to be a delightful and happy experience which gave much in the way of training for future employment. This occurred in the so-called depression period. On through the years employment in the business world was always available.

Another demonstration which I should like to relate in detail is that of finding a home during the war years in a small, highly industrialized area. Lack of adequate housing was an accepted fact among all with whom I came in contact. However, I took each step as it was presented in establishing a home. First, I rented furnished rooms which I saw advertised as I passed by on my way to a Christian Science lecture. This was not satisfactory, as I had furniture. I was calmly positive God had prepared a place for me, and as I sat declaring God's allness and listening for direction, it came to me to go to a small near-by confectionery and ask the owner if he knew of a place to rent.

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