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Testimonies of Healing

It is high time I put into writing the...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is high time I put into writing the gratitude I feel for Christian Science. For over thirty years it has been my only physician. I was brought up in a good Christian home and attended church and Sunday School regularly, but until reading the Bible in conjunction with "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy I never understood it. This understanding has brought much happiness to me and mine.

I was healed of tonsillitis in one treatment from a Christian Science practitioner. I had not been able to eat or drink for several days. A practitioner was called, and instantly the swelling in my throat left so that I was able to eat. Children's diseases which, when considered contagious, were reported to the health office, often were entirely gone by the time the health officer arrived, and there was nothing to quarantine us for.

Our son, when a year old, became listless and would not eat. Not being a student of Christian Science, his father became worried and asked to have a baby specialist diagnose the boy's condition. This I consented to, and a physician who feels very kindly toward Christian Science was called. A practitioner who had been called arrived first. While the doctor was examining the baby, every evidence of his passing on could be seen. I left the room so that I could see only God's perfect child, and declared vehemently that God was his Life. My mother-inclination was to pick the baby up, but I knew he was in far better hands than mine —God's hands. He rallied, and the doctor left, only to go to my husband's place of business and frighten him to the extent that he came right home. The doctor had said that the baby's temperature was 105 degrees and that he had spinal meningitis and complications. He advised his being taken to the hospital at once and feared for his life, saying that if he did live, he would be a cripple.

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