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Testimonies of Healing

It is now over twenty-six years since...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now over twenty-six years since Christian Science was first brought to my notice. I was well and happy at the time and did not realize that its teachings could be applied to any inharmony with which one might be confronted, but since then I have experienced many healings, including those of catarrh, pneumonia, colds, poisoned lips, headaches, and sciatica, and have experienced protection for myself and a loved one whom I nursed for many years. Supply was maintained during the depression, and when moving from one state to another, we were provided with suitable homes.

In 1947, wishing to attend our association meeting, which necessitated a round trip of 4,500 miles, we applied for traveling accommodation. The reply was most discouraging, and we were asked to furnish a proof of our reason for wanting to travel. This we did and then met each obstacle with the affirmation of Truth. Some months later our tickets were issued, and we were able to leave at the appointed time on a happy and joyous journey with opportunities of assisting others along the way. On hearing the difficulties that had beset our fellow passengers in their endeavors to cross the continent we realized more fully our need for gratitude.

Legal matters have been harmoniously straightened out when God's law was applied. I am most grateful for a better understanding of the Bible, grateful to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for giving us the "key" to open it, and also for the continual flow of literature from The Christian Science Publishing Society to us during the war years, bringing comfort and sustaining us when our need was greatest. I am grateful, too, for The Christian Science Board of Lectureship and for all the activities of our movement.—

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