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Testimonies of Healing

Many years ago I found the textbook,...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many years ago I found the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, in a public library. I became so interested in it that I borrowed it several times until I had read the entire book through three times. Soon afterward I made inquiry regarding the teaching and purchased a copy of the textbook and a Christian Science Quarterly, containing the Lesson-Sermons. Since that time I have continued the study of Mrs. Eddy's writings with the Bible and was very happy when class instruction came into my experience.

Many problems have been solved by the application of Christian Science. One instantaneous healing came while I was listening to a Christian Science lecture. I had worked for a long time to overcome a severe case of hay fever, but with little result, and on the day of the lecture the trouble seemed so much worse that I was tempted to resort to material aid for breathing. Error tried to tell me that I could not see to drive the fifty miles to the place where the lecture was being given and that I feared night driving. Each time these erroneous thoughts came to me during the day, I spoke aloud these words: "God leadeth me"; and truly He did, for about halfway through the lecture all the troublesome symptoms vanished. About two years have passed, and the healing has been permanent. Surely this is touching the hem of Christ's garment.

I am grateful for the provision Mrs. Eddy made for the Board of Lectureship and for their work throughout the world today; also grateful for membership in this great Church.—

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