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Testimonies of Healing

When I was of high school age, my...

From the October 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was of high school age, my mother found Christian Science. Changing her seat in a railroad station because a spider was crawling near her, she sat beside a woman who spoke to her of fear in general. Then she talked of Christian Science and said that it overcame fear and healed disease. My mother was thoroughly interested at once. She was directed to a Christian Science Reading Room and there learned more of this wonderful truth. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, came into our home. My mother's health greatly improved, and my father never had rheumatism again.

Christian Science has been a great help in all my problems. I am grateful to have had class instruction with one of Mrs. Eddy's faithful students.

For several years I had suffered severely from sick headaches. At one time, feeling the symptoms coming on, I called my teacher and asked for Christian Science help. I went to sleep almost at once and awoke free. When I expressed my gratitude for such quick relief, my teacher said, "In working for you, I knew there was no routine in error." And there was none. Once again the symptoms appeared. It was a short time before I was to attend a church business meeting. I said to myself, "This is not a headache; it is just an aggressive mental suggestion to keep me from my duty at church." Faced with the truth, the error vanished. As I remember, I have never had a sick headache again.

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