When I was seven years old, I entered the Christian Science Sunday School, and for the past twenty-six years I have known nothing but Christian Science.
My first healing, when a boy of eight, was of mastoiditis, and it was effected in a few hours with the aid of a Christian Science practitioner. Since then I have had healings of influenza, measles, impaired vision, and numerous bad colds.
Throughout my six years at a university I had the privilege of membership and holding office in a Christian Science Organization. During this time I also had numerous beautiful proofs of God's all-intelligence and guidance. Through the application of Christian Science to my university problems I was freed from consuming ambition and saw, to a large degree, the vanity and futility of social aspiration. The question of supply was beautifully taken care of throughout my entire college career and particularly during my two graduate years by my turning wholeheartedly to divine Love, the Giver of all good.