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From the September 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE has restored healing as a fundamental element of Christian worship. It reveals the Principle of healing to be God, infinite Love, who eternally acts through changeless laws to produce, maintain, and govern a universe of spiritual ideas. Furthermore, Christian Science provides mankind with Christian rules of healing which are uniformly successful when understood and applied to human ills. Because the Principle of healing is divine Love, the rules which bring Love's beneficence into human experience involve the qualities of love and are never speculative or theoretical.

Mary Baker Eddy says in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 149): "The rule and its perfection of operation never vary in Science. If you fail to succeed in any case, it is because you have not demonstrated the life of Christ, Truth, more in your own life,—because you have not obeyed the rule and proved the Principle of divine Science." From this statement we may gather that the rules applied in healing are effective only as they are imbued with the spirit of love and truthfulness, for Christliness is essential to healing. In fact, kindness, honesty of purpose, purity of thought, certainty of effect, and self-abnegation are inseparable from the rules of Christian practice.

All Christian Science healing rests upon the understanding of God, Spirit, as All, and of His creation as not material, but spiritually perfect. This understanding is a basic rule and should be expanded to include every specific truth needed to reverse the specific claims of error.

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