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The Road of Patience

From the September 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Not through the valleys lies the road of patience,
but over lofty peaks of right desire,
on every hand the wonders of God's presence
and Soul's serene and sun-bright atmosphere.

Not through the slough of tedium and depression
the road of patience runs, but on the hills
of firm resolve and steadfast recognition
that man expresses God and never fails.

Not through the desert lies the road of patience,
but cool and green the fields on either hand,
and from eternal Truth, its rock foundation,
joy's living fountains leap and laugh around.

Sometimes it seems a highway thronged and busy,
sometimes a sheep path where we walk alone;
but Love is there to make rough places easy
and, though we stumble, hold and help us on.

No mortal effort builds the road of patience.
God laid it well before the world began,
Himself the God of love, the God of patience,
for man, His perfect son, to walk upon.

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