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From the September 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

GOOD management is essential in human affairs. Whether it be the conduct of business, the direction of school or social activities, the guidance of family matters, or control of one's personal affairs, good management is a necessity.

The book of Genesis contains an account of one who excelled in management and of the good which came as a consequence to his country, his family, and himself. His name was Joseph. It will be recalled that as a result of the envy and hatred of his brothers Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, captain of the guard of Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Joseph remained in Potiphar's house for eleven years, and although technically a slave, he was soon put in charge of his master's household and all that he had, for Potiphar discovered that what Joseph did prospered. Then followed two years in prison for a crime that he did not commit. But even here his good management was recognized, and the keeper of the prison made him an overseer, committing to his hand all the prisoners and many of the activities within the prison walls.

At length Joseph came to the attention of Pharaoh, for whom he laid out an economic program for the management of internal Egyptian affairs covering a period of fourteen years. The king approved the plan and, recognizing Joseph's discretion and wisdom, appointed him to administer it. It was Joseph's good management in this high position that brought Egypt safely through a severe economic crisis, saved the lives of his fellow countrymen, built up great wealth for Pharaoh, reunited Joseph with his brothers and father, and gained for himself honor, power, and happiness.

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