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From the September 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

SOMETIMES one may hear it said, "I tried Christian Science and it didn't heal me." Such a remark sounds as though the speaker had experimented with some widely advertised drug without benefit. But Christian Science is the law of God, and one does not successfully try, experiment with, or spasmodically turn to law. Even the law of our land is available only through obedience thereto, and no demands may be made on it otherwise. Moreover, ignorance of law in no way lifts the penalty for breaking it.

If knowledge of the demands of civil law is important for the well-being of humanity, how much more necessary to human progress must be the understanding of the demands of divine law. Those who live close enough to God to obey the First Commandment find His promises already kept. Far from being a mere philosophy, Christian Science is the only real Science and, being Christian, is practiced in accord with the Golden Rule. It is completely revealed in its textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

The effects of understanding and living Christian Science are more far-reaching than physical comfort and the acquiring of things. Healing of physical distress is indeed but an outward sign of spiritual understanding of God—a call to greater spiritual attainments. Once having experienced the proof of God's healing presence, one is confronted with the duty of meeting divine demands—demands which no one else can meet for him. Salvation from sin, sickness, and death depends upon the purification of human consciousness and is an individual demand.

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