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From the September 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is not surprising that a woman unaware of the mental nature of disease and burdened with a sense of fear turned to a Christian Science practitioner for help with but one thought in view, the healing of her physical body. When the practitioner explained to her that all discord comes from the erroneous concept of man as mortal and material, separated from Mind, and when the woman understood in a measure that there is no true existence apart from God, Spirit, she was healed. To her awakened thought the presence of the healing Christ, Truth, was revealed. The change of thinking and the evidence of healing were simultaneous.

To the spiritually enlightened consciousness of Mary Baker Eddy appeared the Science of Christ. And she gave her revelation to the world in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," where on page 276 she states, "Man and his Maker are correlated in divine Science, and real consciousness is cognizant only of the things of God."

Divine Science, humanly apprehended as Christian Science, or the Science of Christ, is the pure metaphysics of the Mind which is God and therefore admits of no compromise with human belief or opinion. Christian Science teaches that God, the Father-Mother of man, is the one and only self-existent, supreme, infinite Being; that this one infinite Being, or ever-present, all-inclusive Mind, is ever conscious of all the ideas which express its infinity; that the one I AM, divine Love, ever tender and true, ever knowing the perfection of being, continuously expresses this perfection in man and the universe. If this were not true, we should have no hope of immortality.

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